AIBPARC has made a very planned and concerted effort to forge unity among the various Apex Bodies of pensioners and retirees, viz AIBRF, RBONC, AIBREA, AISBIPF. The leadership of AIBPARC was successful in bringing the above organisations under the banner of Co-ordination of Bank Pensioners and Retirees Organisations (CBPRO). AIBRF, the AIBEA sponsored Association did not join the Co-ordination. But the other organisations have forged the Co-ordination and the total strength of CBPRO today is nearly 4 lakh Members.

Vigorous campaign has been launched by CBPRO in resolving the issues of pensioners. CBPRO has petitioned the Prime Minister, various Parliament Members, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the Finance Minister highlighting the plight of the Bank pensioners. CBPRO has been successful in convincing the powers that be about the seriousness of the legitimate demands of pensioners/ retirees and the need to resolve the issues within the framework of Bank Employees’ Pension Regulations, 1995. CBPRO is continuing the campaign in a sustained manner to get the issues of pensioners/retirees resolved. 

The CBPRO was formally formed in February 2015 with Sri R N Banerjee, President, SBI Pensioners Federation, as Chairman of the Co-ordination. Sri K V Acharya, President, AIBPARC and Sri Ramesh Babu, General Secretary, SBI Pensioners’ Federation were unanimously nominated as Conveners of CBPRO. Now, CBPRO has become synonymous with the hopes and aspirations of the pensioners and retirees of Banking Industry. CBPRO has been spearheading a vigorous campaign to realise the Long pending legitimate demands of pensioners/ retirees. 

CBPRO is growing in strength and stature and has become a household name among the banking fraternity. A very positive recent development is that AIBRF, the AIBEA sponsored Association has expressed its desire to be part of CBPRO so that the Co-ordination will encompass the whole community of retirees of Banking Industry. 

Now that the entire force of retirees is galvanised under the broad umbrella of CBPRO, the issues of pensioners and retirees will get an impetus. With united struggle alone, we can achieve our just and right demands. Unity among the pensioners and retirees has been achieved and now CBPRO is in a position to move forward with all vigour to pursue the issues of pensioners and retirees.

In our campaign to realise our long pending demands the Constituents of UFBU, especially, AIBOC has been extending whole hearted support by raising the issues of pensioners and retirees, before IBA during the negotiations that are held for the 11th Bipartite Settlement for resolving the issues of serving employees. Now there are State level units of both AIBPARC and CBPRO and the Karnataka unit of AIBPARC and CBPRO is one of the most vibrant units of AIBPARC & CBPRO.